Friday, 2 September 2016

A different path

Starting sixth form last September was quite exciting with all the new exciting things i was going to be learning about. I chose BTEC triple drama and for the first 3 months i really enjoyed it. I'd made closer friends with people in my class and made new friends. However, after the Christmas pantomime all the work started piling up and i was feeling very overwhelmed. In BTEC drama you have to do a logbook for each unit-over two years you do 18 units, a logbook if you don't know is where you would reflect and you say about character work and research into the plays you do. I enjoyed the logbook bit for the fact that i could decorate it and make it look fancy (that is not the point of a logbook)

I was feeling worse and less into drama as the days went by so i went and spoke to the (kind of) head of sixth form. She told me that she doesn't see me having an office job because she knows at how creative i am. I wasn't happy and i think people could tell. I told one of my closest friends this and she said 'I’ll support you no matter what you choose but before you let go of it ima do everything possible to find your drama spark again!' It's great to have supportive friends around you that want what is best for you and to make you feel happy again. A couple months down the line we were going to the theatre to perform a play we did for connexions500 it was a very big thing for us. I'd found my light again and I thought I’d stick by it. I had done my logbooks on time for the most part anyway i was leaving most of it to do before the deadline and i wouldn't go sleep until late due to stressing about logbooks. During year 12 i napped a lot i don't know if it was down to drama but i was stressing a lot about it - learning lines, getting the right movement and everything. 

On my final day of year 12. I went to the head of drama (my drama teacher and my form tutor) and i said to her that i wanted to leave i found a college course and i wanted to do that. I think she knew that i truly didn't want to do drama for the rest of my life. I want to be a tattoo artist. When i told her about the art and design course she asked if I’d applied and when i said i hadn't she told me to do it right at that moment, She was is very supportive and agreed with my choice. I went in to do some painting at the school this holiday and i told her about my interview about my enrolment and she was pleased for me. 

I bought some henna cones to do some tattoo designs on myself to practice on keeping my hand steady and getting small details. My friends started asking for them and i was all for doing it because it was practice and i enjoyed doing it and they always smiled at the outcome of it, which was good to see. I have designed some people tattoos that they are getting done which is insane! I am now getting a tattoo kit for Christmas this year to start getting into my future dream job.

I'm leaving year 12 with i think a pass or a merit in BTEC drama (I won't be able to get my results until next year) I’m leaving happy because I’m going into something that i want to do for the rest of my life. I'm excited for the future and to try new things and meet new people. This is a different path than what I expected to take but it’s the right one.

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